EcoHouse Brazil Donates Hospital Beds to the Children of Varela Santiago Childrens Hospital

It nice to hear news like this, especially when so many invesment and real estate companies are greedy and hoard all of their money.

Well done EcoHouse for using your success to help the less fortunate..


Last Friday morning on the 3rd of May,  the construction company EcoHouse Brazil, donated 20 hospital beds to the children’s hospital, Varela Santiago. The beds are especially for children ages 0 to 2 who are still breast feeding. These beds were fundamental to the opening of the new wing in the hospital: The Infant Unit. The beds arrived and are valued at R$45 thousand and occupy four rooms of the new wing.

Happy by the incentive of the developer, the administrator of the hospital Francisco Regis de Costa Neto explained his gratitude, “We didn’t have conditions to afford the quantity of beds we received. We are happy that through our partnership with ECOHOUSE, it is now possible to inaugurate the new wing for children between the ages of 0 to 2 who have different types of illnesses,” he said.

Gabriela Medeiros, the Director of ECOHOUSE, explained their concern with the social responsibility of the company. “We are very concerned about the community in which we live in. We are aware of the difficulties faced by the hospital and are happy in establishing  our partnership one more time,” she said.